About The Salon

The Salon

At Segura Salon, we are passionate about our industry and craft. Our qualified professionals provide a variety of services. We hope that our relaxing atmosphere leaves you feeling energized and confident.

Sarah Segura

sarah seguraI believe as a child God plants a seed that becomes a dream. When I was a child my dream was to open a salon. Over the years I've been blessed with many opportunities, an amazing family and close friends who I know believe in my dream. The most recent opportunity I had is leaving what's been my home at The Rose Of Sharon Salon for nearly 20 years. I know I wouldn't have been able to do this without the love and support of my family and close friends. God has given me the tool for my newest journey, the opening of Segura Salon


We accept interns who may need hours or salon experience. Contact Sarah for more information.

Special Thanks to

Tyson and Ashton Enterprises -- Contractor -- ashtonenterprises@ymail.com (909)841-0710
Eddie Pantoja -- Web Developer -- pantoja.edward@outlook.com
Jason -- Videographer -- jasonallin5@icloud.com (909)418-7890